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10 July 2024

What phrases does our software house team use every day?

Discover popular phrases you might encounter when talking with developers. Do you know these expressions?

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07 May 2024

Pre-implementation analysis: How to implement an IT system wisely

Pre-implementation analysis is an indispensable element for properly planning the work on the project. Why is it so crucial?

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18 December 2023

How to add a mobile app to Google Play and the App Store?

Do you want to add your mobile app to Google Play or AppStore? Check how to do it and what costs does it require.

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7 November 2023

5 common UX mistakes in e-commerce stores

Do you want to check if your online store is ready for the sales season? Find out the most common UX mistakes made in online stores.

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10 August 2023

Ensure adequate UX level and save £80000 annually on advertising

Discover how to save tens of thousands of pounds annually on advertising by ensuring optimal shopping comfort in your online store.

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25 May 2023

A/B testing for e-commerce, online stores and applications

Thanks to A/B testing, you can find out how users will actually react to changes in your online store, website, or mobile application.

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18 May 2023

Marketing automation - tools and applications

Marketing automation significantly influences the efficiency of your marketing actions. Learn about the tools thanks to which you can improve customers involvement.

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9 May 2023

UX ecommerce trends for 2023

Check 12 clues on how to improve UX for e-commerce and will help you to increase the effectiveness of your online store and positively influence on sales and customers' opinion

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6 March 2023

Technical aspects of SEO

SEO is more than writing texts for natural positioning. It also includes technical activities that decide how your website is seen by Googlebots.

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23 January 2023

Technological automation - improving efficiency and budget rationalisation

Technological automation is all types of solutions that facilitate and accelerate time consuming works which are done manually. They help us improve customer service, management, etc.

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22 November 2022

Prepare your online store for Black Friday

The efficiency of the online store is a key factor during the sales period. If products need too much time to be loaded or added to a basket, we can lose users attention.

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11 October 2022

Setting priorities of application

MoSCoW is the name of a method of setting priorities, which is used in many fields and help us determine goals in our project.

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06 October 2022

How to write application brief

A brief of a web and mobile application is in other words its specification - more or less detailed description that helps to properly plan project's realisation.

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31 August 2022

Online booking system on a website

Online booking systems are more and more popular. It is definitely a time-saving solution both for a customer and employees.

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24 June 2022

OCR Technology in automatic document recognition

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that allows you to convert written or printed text into digital form.

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23 May 2022

Mobile apps on HMS (Huawei Mobile System)

Would your mobile application work in Huawei Mobile Service? Check if it requires including different operating system.

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29 March 2022
Web design

Website - expense or investment?

Development of technology resulted in more and more companies moving their businesses to the internet. What are the benefits of having a website?

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11 February 2022
Web design

How to index your website in Google search engine

Every day thousands of new websites appear on the Internet. In order to occur in Google search engine they first need to be indexed by Googlebots.

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17 December 2021

Useful functionalities for your online store

The primary functions of an online store are attractive presentation of products, which we have in our offer and functions that will make online shopping convenient and fast.

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07 October 2021

CMS or Templed - choose the base of your website

The decision about creating a website is an important step towards business development. Check on which system you should base your website.

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28 September 2021
Web design

How much is the website?

What’s the cost of the website - this question seems to be the most intriguing for people, who are thinking…

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9 August 2021

Which payment system to choose for online store?

While choosing the payment system, it is extremely essential to check if the particular system is popular and has various forms of payment.

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8 July 2021

How to find developer of your digital project?

Searching for a developer is one of the most important decisions, which you have to make during realisation. What you should look at to choose the right one?

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15 June 2021

What do you have to prepare while creating website or online store

When you decide to have to consider its design, functions and content that needs to e prepared before publishing the project.

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4 May 2021

The impact of Google PageSpeed Insights on positioning

The pace of loading a website is one of the most important aspects, which has a positive effect on UX. Check how you can verify the speed of your website.

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8 April 2021
Web design

How to create an efficient landing page?

Landing page is a target site, where a user “lands” in a particular goal referring to marketing activities.

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18 February 2021

PWA - Progressive Web Application

PWA is a web application, which means that it can be opened as any other website in a web browser.

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11 February 2021

Legacy code - What is it and how to work with it?

Programmers in their working career often encounter the term legacy code. How to assume it as a challenge not unpleasant duty.

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2 February 2021

Optimisation of the budget for Google Ads campaign

The aim of every entrepreneur, who decides to run Google Ads campaign, is to reach a wide audience with mainiting proper ROI level.

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18 January 2021

Web view mobile app

Webview mobile app is generally speaking a web page embedded in a mobile application. It is an alternative for creating a native mobile app.

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7 January 2021

Claim your business through Google Maps - Google My Business

This solution will help to distinguish your website in Google search engine and simplify contact with your customers.

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16 December 2020

Basic Google analytic tools - Analytics and Search Console

It is one of the most popular Google analytic tools, thanks to which we can explore essential user behaviour on our website.

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17 November 2020

IT outsourcing and software in leasing

Deciding for outsourcing of programming services allows optimisation of company’s expenditure, at the same time gaining team of IT experts.

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3 November 2020

Why is it worth implementing ERP or CRM systems?

ERP and CRM are generally speaking types of systems that facilitate data centralisation (ERP) and customer service.

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27 October 2020

Hosting, VPS or cloud solution?

If you already have your website, online store or application you have to decide on which server it will be hosted.

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14 October 2020

Discovery call - the first step of cooperation with a software house

Discovery call is nothing else than a conversation, during which the software house’s team tries to understand the specifics of the project.

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10 October 2020
Web design

Individual, personalised, based on a template - which design to choose?

During the creation of a web design or online store one of the most essential aspects of the project is its grahpic design.

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6 October 2020

Software house or freelancer - to whom confide the realisation of your project?

The number of offers relating to IT and programming services, which you can find on the internet is infinite. Why do they differ so much?

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30 September 2020

Types of agreements concluded with a software house - NDA, SLA, MSA, SOW

We present below a few types of contracts, which apply the most frequently in collaboration between softwre house and companies.

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25 September 2020

Cooperation during the COVID-19 pandemic

We present a few options of collabortion thanks to which you can avoid overcharginig your budget.

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23 September 2020

Your own online store or marketplace?

According to the latest market research, up to 71% of internet users do online shopping. If you want to sell online, you need to decide between your own online store or marketplaces.

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26 August 2020

Methods of settlement with software house

A software house is in other words an IT company, in which employees have deep and advanced knowledge in particular technology.

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21 August 2020

Saas & Open Source Models in E-commerce

Saas or open source - which option would be the best for the fundament of your online store? Compare these two solutions.

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15 August 2020

How does Saas work?

Saas (software as a service) is a cooperation model with business customers, which is more and more popular.

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13 June 2020

MVP Applications

Innovative ideas and their consequent realisation carry with them not only large potential, but also risk.

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25 May 2020

Outsourcing - what is it?

The name outsourcing is an acronym for outside-resource-using, which means in general employing an offshore team of specialists in a particular field.

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5 April 2020

Types of advertisement

Advertisement is especially important for people who have just started their business, as well as those who look for new customers.

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3 March 2020

Web applications vs mobile software

Applications may be divided by the way of their creation, for example native, hybrid or web view application.

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