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We create effective SEO-optimised websites.

Designing and building websites Birmingham

We offer complex support in designing websites and choosing domain and server for the project.


During the process of planning we pay attention to individual needs and marketing plans.

team designing websites

Creating websites Birmingham

We provide complex services for web design. We create individual functions and integrations with external API.


After accepting the project, we run the production version on a chosen domain and hosting. Next we conduct technical training during which we teach how to manage the website.

creating websites
Development and support for web design Birmingham

We add new subpages and refresh website graphic design. We create new functionalities - for example advanced registration forms.


For websites that require special care we can offer permanent or periodical 24/7 support.

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developing website

Potential of websites in business

High availability of websites

Each potential customer may see your current offer, portfolio, price list all day, 7 days a week.

Marketing tool

An efficient website is an important tool used in marketing. It can be used in natural positioning, Google Ads, social media or word-to-mouth marketing.

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Sopchy programmers
The process of creating websites

Thorough study of your expectations

Discussing your needs and expectations is a crucial step forward creating a website. When we know what you care about, we can suggest the best solution for you. Apart from functions and design, it is decisive for websites to determine their goals and characteristic groups.

We can create a brief of the website together. We will set priorities and define additional elements. Collected information will also help us to estimate the budget and lead time for creating the website.

Plan of website implementation

After establishing how the website will look like and what functions it will have, we will create the plan of creating the project. We divide the whole process into smaller parts, called sprints. During each sprint we implement next elements, including determined priorities.


This is the stage of creating graphic design, which helps us to specify visual standards of the website and visualise how particular functions will work. This helps us to speed up time of realisation thanks to elimination of corrections at an early stage. This is also the time of refining the design of the website. If the website has a mock-up visualisation, we verify it according to UX and UI principles. When there is no visualisation, we create it from scratch.


The stage of implementation is mostly the time of work of programmers, who try to change your idea and given design into functional and practical solutions, which will help you in gaining new customers. Developers who build the website familiarise with the project already at the stage of planning. Thanks to this they know the specifics of the project very well.

Tests on websites

We perform many manual tests. Thanks to which we can eliminate errors on the website. We also verify if the website meets safety standards.


When we are sure that the website is ready to use by its target group, we migrate it to the production. If necessary we can help you in configuring the server on which the website will be located.


We provide technical support in maintaining the website and fluency of the web design operation. We also offer help in developing websites and adding new functions to them.