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Modern and safe web applications that can be easily updated

Planning and designing web apps Birmingham

We offer comprehensive support and assistance in planning the functionality and architecture of web applications.


We can help you prepare the graphic design of the application or interactive prototypes based on the key UX and UI standards.

planning web application by the team from Birmingham

Implementing web apps Birmingham

We implement the logic and design of web applications. Then we program the application from scratch, including its features and integrations with external software.


Before releasing the production version of the web application, we conduct manual tests and provide access to the project in a testing environment.

implementing web application

Growth and Support of Web Applications Birmingham

We add new features, refresh the graphical interface, and create scripts for communication with external software, such as a mobile application or an ERP system.


For web applications requiring exceptional care, we can offer 24/7 support.

developing web app

Potential of web applications in business


Web applications are accessible on any device (computer, tablet, smartphone) as long as you have a web browser. Users can comfortably use them without the need to download or install additional programs.


Web systems significantly optimise the time spent on repetitive tasks. They also allow for consolidating multiple platforms into a single application.

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Sopchy programmers

5 key aspects concerning web application design #Birmingham

Mobile and web applications are usually complex projects that require careful consideration of various aspects. Here, we describe the three most important topics when creating an application.

1. Creating a brief for web application

The brief (specification) contains the purpose of the application, a description of the target group, and a list of all the functionalities that the web application will have. Creating a specification allows for proper planning, estimating the budget required for the application, and organising the development process.

2. Technologies used to develop web apps

The choice of technologies for the web application depends on its type, purpose, and budget for development and expansion. The right choice of technologies ensures that the application is efficient, visually appealing, and functional. It is also important to consider future scalability. For creating web applications, we often use well-established solutions supported by their creators, such as Vue.js, React.js, Laravel, Django, TensorFlow, Keras, or PyTorch.

3. Web apps performance

The loading time of a web application depends on various factors. The most important ones are the server's computing power, the application's architecture, and code optimisation. Insufficient data handling can lead to a high server load and increased maintenance costs.

4. Web application interface design

The graphical interface of the web application should be user-friendly and visually appealing. The design should be in line with UI and UX trends. It is crucial for the web application to be responsive and display correctly on screens of different sizes (tablets, smartphones, laptops, etc.)

5. Methodology of work on applications used by Software House Sopchy

We prefer the Scrum / Agile method in creating web apps. This methodology allows for relatively fast and flexible project completion. It involves creating a list of app functions, setting priorities, and working in iterative "sprints." Each sprint, typically lasting 1 to 4 weeks, introduces new functionalities. After each sprint, the client and the team of programmers discuss the changes and establish new purposes and their priorities.